Sermon Archive – 2021
12/26/2021 “Searching for Jesus / Seeking Christ” Luke 2: 41-52
12/19/2021 “Extraordinary and Unexpected Things” Luke 1: 39-55
12/12/2021 “Filled With Expectation” Luke 3: 7-18
12/5/2021 “Prepare the Way of the Lord” Luke 3: 1-6
11/28/2021 “Mindful and Prayerful” Luke 21: 25-36
11/21/2021 “Him Who Loves Us” Revelation 1: 4b-8
11/14/2021 “Defining Moments” Mark 13: 1-8
11/07/2021 “The Path to Redemption” Ruth 3: 1-5; 4:13-17
10/31/2021 “The Uncertain Path” Ruth 1: 1-18
10/24/2021 “Standing Before the Lord” Job 42: 1-6, 10-17
10/17/2021 “Out of the Whirlwind” Job 38: 1-7, 34-41
10/10/2021 “If Only…” Job 23: 1-9, 16-17
10/3/2021 “No Easy Answers” Job 1:1; 2:1-10
09/26/2021 “Salty Christians” Mark 9:38-50
09/19/2021 “Your Place in Line” Mark 9: 30-37
09/12/2021 “Divine Things or Human Things” Mark 8: 27-38
09/05/2021 “Enlarging the Circle” Mark 7: 24-30
08/29/2021 “Doers or Hearers of the Word?” James 1: 17-27
08/22/2021 “Words of Spirit and Life” John 6: 56-59
08/15/2021 “Bread and Blood? I’d Rather Have Fried Chicken and Iced Tea John 6: 51-59
08/08/2021 “Satisfying Spiritual Hunger” John 6: 35, 41-51
08/01/2021 “Care and Feeding” John 6: 25-35
07/25/2021 “Jesus Had A Plan” John 6: 1-15
07/18/2021 “Built By Christ” Ephesians 2: 11-22
07/11/2021 “Squaring Up” Amos 7: 7-15
07/04/2021 “Hearing the Prophetic” Ezekiel 2: 1-5
06/27/2021 “Finding Balance” 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15
06/20/2021 “Caught Unaware” Mark 4: 35-41
06/13/2021 “Scattering Seeds” Mark 4: 26-34
06/06/2021 “Becoming Fully Human” Genesis 3: 8-15
05/30/2021 “Born of the Spirit” John 3: 1-17
05/23/2021 “The Promised Spirit” John 15: 26-27; 16: 4b-15
05/16/2021 “Going to God in Prayer” John 17: 6-19
05/09/2021 “Abide in God’s Love” John 15: 9-17
05/02/2021 “Connections” John 15: 1-8
04/25/2021 “Hearing His Voice” John 10:11-18
04/18/2021 “Peace Be With You” Luke 24: 26b-48
04/11/2021 “Because He Lives – No Doubts” John 20: 19-29
04/04/2021 “Terror and Amazement” Matthew 16: 1-8
Easter Morning 10:00 am Worship Service
04/04/2021 “I Have Seen the Lord” John 20: 1-18
Easter Morning 8:30am Worship Service
03/21/2021 “Seeking Christ” John 12: 20-33
03/14/2021 “Salvation in Christ” John 3: 14-21
03/07/2021 “Jesus Did What?!?!” John 2: 13-22
02/28/2021 “Discovering the Christ” Mark 8: 31-38
02/21/2021 “Alive in the Spirit” 1 Peter 3: 18-22
02/14/2021 “Encountering the Holy” Mark 9:2-9
02/07/2021 “Finding Renewal in the Lord” Mark 1: 29-39
01/31/2021 “I Know Who You Are” Deuteronomy 18:15-20
01/24/2021 “Sorry Wrong Number” Jonah 3: 1-5
01/17/2021 “Did You Call Me” 1 Samuel 3: 1-10
01/10/2021 “Seeking the Light” Matthew 2: 1-12
01/03/2021 “Our Christian Identity” Ephesians 1: 3-14