12/25/2022 “Good Tidings of Great Joy” Isaiah 52: 7-10
12/11/2022 “Personal Expectations” Matthew 11: 2-11
12/4/2022 “The Kingdom of Heaven” Matthew 3: 1-12
11/27/2022 “Make Yourself Ready” Matthew 24: 36-44
11/20/2022 “Reconciled to God” Colossians 1: 11-20
11/13/2022 “Signs, Symbols, and Portents” Luke 21: 5-19
11/06/2022 “Expectations and Grumblings” Luke 19: 1-10
10/30/2022 “Pulling Back the Veil” Mark 12: 28-34 / Acts 2: 27-31
10/23/2022 “A Little of Both” Luke 18: 9-14
10/16/2022 “Take Heart” Luke 18: 1-8
10/9/2022″ Mercy At Work” Luke 17: 11-19
10/2/2022 “Ordinary Discipleship” Luke 17: 5-10
09/25/2022 “Take Off Your Blinders” Luke 16: 19-31
09/18/2022 “Weighing Options” Luke 16: 1-13
09/11/2022 “Rejoice With Me” Luke 15: 1-10
08/28/2022 “Choosing Places” Luke 14: 1; 7-14
08/21/2022 “Expanding Our Faith” Luke 13: 10-17
08/14/2022 “Noticing the Signs Around Us” Luke 12: 49-56
08/07/2022 “Lighting the Lamps” Luke 12: 32-40
07/31/2022 “Setting Our Hearts on God” Luke 12: 13-21
07/24/2022 “Lord, Teach Us To Pray” Luke 11: 1-13
07/17/2022 “Distracted By Busyness” Luke 10: 38-42
07/10/2022 “Showing Kindness” Luke 10: 25-37
07/03/2022 “A Call to Joy” Isaiah 66: 10-14
06/26/2022 “Our Freedom in Christ” Galatians 5: 1, 13-25
06/19/2022 “Our Identity in Christ” Galatians 3: 23-29
06/12/2022 “The Product of Hope” Romans 5: 1-5
06/05/2022 “Listen for the Holy” Genesis 11: 1-9
05/29/2022 “Christ’s Prayer for Us” John 17: 20-26
05/22/2022 “God’s Word for the World” John 14: 23-29
05/15/2022 “Three Simple Words” John 13: 31-35
05/08/2022 “My Sheep Hear My Voice” John 10: 22-30
05/01/2022 “Three Questions” John 21: 1-19
04/24/2022 “Witness To These Things” John 20: 19-31
04/17/2022 “More Than An Empty Tomb” 1 Corinthians 15: 19-26
04/10/2022 “Jesus Humbled Himself” Philippians 2: 5-11
04/03/2022 “Broken Jars / Broken Vessels” John 12: 1-8
03/20/2022 “Seeds of Encouragement” Acts 4: 32-37
03/13/2022 “Working Under Divine Mandate” Luke 13: 31-35
03/06/2022 “Growing Edges” Luke 4: 1-13
02/27/2022 “Transformed by Grace” Luke 9: 28-36
02/20/2022 “Jesus Said What?!?! Luke 6: 27-38
02/13/2022 “Called to Discipleship” Luke 6: 17-26
02/06/2022 “God’s Living Word” Luke 5: 1-11
01/30/2022 “A More Excellent Way” 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
01/23/2022 “Joined By The Spirit” 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31
01/16/2022 “Blessing from the Lord” 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
01/09/2022 “A Journey of Discovery” Matthew 2: 1-12
01/02/2022 “Forgiven and Redeemed” Ephesians 1: 3-14